Students Recognize Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month
Posted on 05/01/2024
Students Recognize Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month
As April drew to a close, Columbus Avenue Early Childhood Center marked Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month with a sign-and-sing event. 

Students and staff congregated on the school's front lawn to celebrate neurodiversity by singing and signing the song "Spread a Little Sunshine" by Jack Hartmann. 

Breanne Medici, teacher and member of the Columbus Avenue neurodiversity committee, highlighted why neurodiversity acceptance and awareness is so important, "It means people can think and behave in unique ways, and we don't have to try to change them." She emphasized how Columbus Avenue students have embraced these differences, fostering new friendships throughout the school year.

After the sing-along, students moved indoors to engage in sensory stations set up in the gym. The stations included coloring, sensory activities, and building tasks to show the various ways neurodiverse students learn and interact.