Bayview Avenue Students Take the Stage for Spring Festival of the Arts
Posted on 06/13/2024
Bayview Avenue Students Take the Stage for Spring Festival of the Arts
Fourth grade students from Bayview Avenue School of Arts and Sciences performed during their Spring Festival of the Arts on June 4. The audience, including Board of Education members, administrators, families and friends, filled the auditorium.  

The festival opened with the color guard, followed by Principal Ms. Kelly Fairclough welcoming guests and expressing her pride for the dedication of the students and staff.  

The concert orchestra performed several pieces that showcased their talents and the musical skills they have learned throughout the school year.  

The concert band, under the direction of Mr. Aaron Andia, played three songs, with an arrangement of “We Will Rock You,” receiving a rousing applause.  

The Bayview Avenue School of Arts and Sciences artistic slideshow highlighted the many types of artwork students completed during the second half of the school year, including drawing, mixed media and watercolor painting.  

Closing the Spring Festival of the Arts was the chorus, under the direction of Ms. Jeannie Leal. Their performance included a beautiful rendition of the song “Shooting Star,” which the chorus dedicated to Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham for always supporting the students and staff of Freeport Public Schools and believing they are all superstars.