Discover Future Careers at Annual Career Day
Posted on 06/10/2024
Discover Future Careers at Annual Career Day

The gymnasium of Caroline G. Atkinson Intermediate School buzzed with excitement as engineers, accountants, nurses, firefighters, and other professionals gathered to share insights about their careers with sixth grade students during the annual Career Day.

Equipped with clipboards, pens and paper, students eagerly visited the tables to speak with professionals from across Long Island to gain insight into a wide variety of career paths. These volunteers dedicated their time to educate the students about specific jobs, share their own educational and professional journeys, and the qualifications needed for different professions.

“Career Day is an opportunity for our students to explore a wide range of professions and to start thinking about their futures,” said Principal Tameeka McNeil. “By interacting with professionals, students gain firsthand knowledge that can inspire and guide their educational and career choices.”

With nearly 35 different professions represented, students were given a list of questions to help initiate conversations. They were also encouraged to ask their own questions including, “What do you like most about your job?”, “Did you always want to be a pilot?” and “What subjects in school helped you the most?”

During this year's Career Day, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham made a special appearance to support the event and talk with the students. Dr. Kuncham emphasized the importance of exploring career opportunities and encouraged students to take advantage of the valuable insights shared by the professionals present. 
Atkinson hosts career day annually for sixth grade students to introduce them to a wide variety of career options and provide deeper insights into professions that interest them. This event aims to help students start thinking about their future career paths from an early age.