Archer Street “ACES” Exercise
Posted on 05/20/2021

Archer Street Elementary students and staff participated in Project ACES (All Children Exercise Simultaneously) to promote the importance of physical activity while also raising funds for the Freeport Educational Foundation (FEF).

The program, which is held annually nationwide, began with all grades and teachers participating in a warm-up stretches and yoga in their classrooms led by PE teachers Ms. Brooke McKenna and Ms. Allison McKeon. Following, each grade then walked three laps around the school building holding signs they created for the event promoting the importance of exercise.

Funds were collected leading up to the day and Archer Street students, staff and administrators raise $750 for the FEF.

Project ACES is the signature program of the Youth Fitness Coalition (YFC) in partnership with American College of Sports Medicine's Exercise is Medicine initiative. It promotes physical activity to children.

Beginning To Walk

Stretches And Yoga

Education Foundation

Classroom Created Posters