Message from the Superintendent - Safely Enjoy Spring Break Week of 3/29
Posted on 03/26/2021

Dear Freeport Families,

The world has begun to transform from a cold, dreary and very snowy Winter into the bright beginnings of Spring. The sun seems warmer and the air smells fresh. Our days of shoveling and shivering are hopefully well behind us. Likewise, we are finally emerging from the darkness of the COVID pandemic into a more hopeful future. Positive case numbers are dropping and the availability of the vaccine has helped to put us on the road to recovery. Granted, we must still follow the guidelines and protocols (M-S-W: Wear Masks, Social Distance and Wash your Hands) that have helped to keep us safe and healthy. Yet our lives are expanding and we can get together with others who are vaccinated in small gatherings without wearing masks and restrictions on businesses are being reduced. Just as with the Spring, things are beginning to transform in a brighter, more joyful direction.

It is hard to believe we are at the end of March, and have just completed a year of living with the COVID pandemic. The hardships we have endured allows us to tap into unexpected strengths. We have remained Freeport Strong - resilient, transformative Changemakers never losing sight of our goals to educate, nurture and support our students as they grow into capable, responsible citizens. It is inspiring to look back at the past year's challenges and see how far we have come. We are excited as more of our students are attending school in-person five days a week and we are able to participate in the shortened sports seasons. We remain united and determined as we continue to provide the best opportunities and support for our students together.

As we look forward to our Spring break next week, I remind you to continue to follow M-S-W along with maintaining safety protocols if you gather with family and friends or travel. Effective April 1, 2021, the Governor announced that a period of quarantine would no longer be required for individuals conducting Domestic travel to New York. Mandatory quarantine remains in effect for International travelers. All Travelers must continue to fill out the Traveler Health Form upon arrival into New York State and follow strict adherence to all safety guidelines to stop the spread. Everyone is strongly encouraged to avoid non-essential travel whenever possible and to exercise great caution if travel is unavoidable. For more information, the Department of Health guidance document and website can be found at this link:

I wish you all a relaxing time filled with love, laughter and enjoyment during this well-deserved break. Grab and Go Meals will be offered for during the break from Monday, March 29th - Thursday, April 1st at the Atkinson School from 9:30AM through 12:00 PM. Be safe, healthy and happy.


Dr. Kishore Kuncham