March 17 BOE Budget Workshop/Planning/Action Mtg
Posted on 03/02/2021

Click Here for Current Board Agenda

Due to the COVID-19 and Governor Cuomo's Executive Order 202.1,

The March 17, 2021 Board of Education

Budget Workshop/Planning/Action Meeting

will be held in person at the Caroline G. Atkinson School at 7:30 PM. The Budget Workshop/Planning/Action Meeting will be open to the community for in person attendance not to exceed 50 people at the meeting per Executive Order 202.45. This includes Board Members, Central Administration, staff and residents. Attendees will be required to complete a health survey, have their temperature taken and wear a mask. The Board of Education Budget Workshop/Planning/Action Meeting will be live-streamed and may be viewed by utilizing the following link or opy and paste into your browser

Questions by the public for the Budget Workshop/Planning/Action Meeting may be submitted in person, by E-mail or through the Question and Answer feature on ZOOM by accessing the following link or copy and paste it into your browser:

All questions or statements should include your full name and address and will be addressed at the appropriate time on the agenda. All questions or statements that are not answered during the meeting will be responded to directly as necessary. Questions during the Budget Workshop/Planning/Action Meeting may also be sent via email to
[email protected]

Vilma Lancaster, President

Freeport Board of Education