Message from the Superintendent - End of Year Wishes
Posted on 06/25/2021

Dear Freeport Families,

As our school year is coming to a close, we have so much to celebrate and we could not have done it without you! The COVID-19 pandemic is fading due to dutifully following M-S-W (Masks, Social Distance and Wash your Hands) all year along with the availability of the vaccine. Our students and staff were strong and resilient and our schools remained open with rigorous instruction taking place both in schools and remotely. We appreciate your input and patience as we phased in our Reopening Plan to gradually and safely have the majority of our students come to school each day. This was all possible with the courageous, innovative ways we found of handling each and every challenge and change we went through this year.

Despite the hardships of COVID-19, we are left with valuable lessons as we return to our normal lives and ways. Due to the pandemic, we have already learned the important life lesson that there will be obstacles that require adaptability and flexibility in finding another way to accomplish goals. We have to view these challenges as opportunities. We have also come to embrace the ability to meet with each other virtually as a convenience for many in our community. We have made great gains with our remote learning platforms and this can be incorporated as we move back to full in-person school days. We have learned the simple things in life can bring happiness, and that caring relationships, outreach to those in need, and kindness to others is key to our own health and wellness. We have turned adversity into triumph.

Teamwork and collaboration lead to success and this year was no exception. Even with masks, social distancing, desk shields and remote instruction, our students thrived this year. Everyone rose to the challenges and we are proud of the many accomplishments. Our staff and students earned accolades for academics, athletics and the arts. Our buildings and facilities sparkled as we maintained safe and healthy environments and we kept our students fed in school and with Grab and Go. Our SEL and mental health initiatives supported everyone's health and wellness. Together, we are the Changemakers who transformed a year still impacted by COVID and mandates into an amazing, successful year!

Although we remain cautious, we are optimistic and hopeful for a bright new future without COVID restrictions. We will continue to do the best for the health and safety of our students, staff, and community. What a contrast between our End of Year activities this year and last! The car parades, Drive-In Movie High School Graduation and virtual activities, while still honoring our students and their accomplishments, were just not the same. Having in-person End of Year ceremonies and graduation is a wonderful feeling as we move forward to a greater sense of normalcy.

Our expanded Summer School opportunities for our students is sure to make for an exciting and fun learning time as students engage in academics, arts athletics and STEM. There are multiple opportunities for every grade. We will continue to follow the latest DOH/NYSED guidelines to keep our children safe and healthy. This summer, we are also planning for the reopening of school 2021-2022. At this time, we are planning for a full return to school of all students and have received no updated guidance about remote instruction. We will keep you posted of any changes as we solidify our plans.

I wish you and your families a relaxing, safe and wonderful summer. We look forward to an awesome new school year filled with new opportunities and accomplishments. As always, we anticipate and appreciate your partnership. Together, we are the Changemakers who inspire greatness in our students, each other and our community.


Dr. Kishore Kuncham