Columbus Kindergarteners Advance to First Grade
Posted on 06/28/2021

Freeport Public Schools' Columbus Ave. school celebrated the kindergarten students moving up from kindergarten to first grade on June 22.

Principal Dr. Alma Rocha opened the celebration by welcoming family and friends and recognizing the kindergarteners for their hard work and dedication through a strange school year stating, "You have completed your very first, and unusual kindergarten school experience. I know that this was a different year, but you taught all adults that you know how to deal with the pandemic. You showed us how to be brave during COVID times. You are superheroes and change makers."
Throughout the ceremony, students performed "It's Our Time," Columbus Avenue School Anthem," and "Hasta la Vista."

With district administrators, teachers and families gathered outside of the school building each kindergartner was recognized and received a Certificate of Completion to close out their first year of school in the Freeport School District.

Moving Up Ceremony

Students Standing

Dr. Alma Rocha