Join us Wednesday January 13 for a Remote Board of Education Meeting
Posted on 01/11/2021

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Due to the COVID-19 and Governor Cuomo's Executive Order 202.1, the January 13, 2021 Board of Education Planning/Action Meeting will be conducted remotely through electronic means using Zoom Videoconferencing beginning at 6:30 pm and is expected to go immediately into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing a specific Personnel matter. It is anticipated that the public session will reconvene at 7:30 pm.

The January 13, 2021 Board of Education Planning/Action meeting will be live-streamed on the District website at Public comments and questions may be submitted through electronic means via e-mail to [email protected] and should include your full name and address. All questions or statements that are not answered during the meeting will be responded to directly as necessary.

The public can view the Board of Education Planning/Action Meeting through livestream. A link will be provided prior to the meeting on the District Website at

A Remote Meeting

of the

Board of Education
of the
Freeport Union Free School District
is hereby called for
Wednesday, January 13, 2021 at 6:30 pm.
It is anticipated that the public meeting will reconvene at 7:30 pm
Ernest J. Kight, President
Freeport Board of Education