Human Relations Club Fundraiser Creates a Ripple Effect of Hope
Posted on 12/15/2021

The High School Human Relations Club have raised more than $1,000 for the Association for the Children of Regnier Haiti (ACR) a not-for-profit organization founded by former Freeport student, Maryse Cadet.

When a 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit the southwestern region of Haiti destroying the ACR's main building and finding the organization in need of latrines, a temporary kitchen, sheds for temporary schooling, school furniture, school supplies, and food, high school principal Ms. Gisselle Campbell-Ham brought it to the attention of the Human Relation Club in the hope they would be able to help.

Club members were inspired to become changemakers by Robert F. Kennedy's "ripple of hope" quote and began implementing the Ripple of Hope advocacy initiative within the high school.

"In a time when our world is flooded with negativity, I am so moved and inspired by the humanitarian efforts of our amazing students," said principal Campbell-Ham.

The club developed a fundraiser in which students were given a paper drop in exchange for a one-dollar donation. The paper drops are displayed as a wave on the wall in the high school's cafeteria to visually depict a Freeport High School Current of Collective Hope. The display provides a concrete symbol that together, we can make a difference in the lives of others.

100% of the funds from the Ripple of Hope initiative will be donated to the Association for the Children of Regnier Haiti for its needs.

The Freeport High School Human Relations Club explores various issues of justice and human rights to promote the realization that students at Freeport High School can make a difference in the world. The goals of the club are to raise awareness of the marginalized and oppressed through activism and social awareness. Students participate in philanthropic fundraising activities and community service locally and globally.
