Message from the Superintendent of Schools: Welcome Back Families
Posted on 09/02/2020

Dear Freeport Families,

I am pleased to welcome you to the 2020-2021 School year! I hope you and your families are doing well, are healthy, and have continued to adjust to our new reality. It has been a long journey since we closed our schools last March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but we have remained Freeport Strong. This has been an exceptionally busy summer for Freeport Schools as we have prepared for our reopening. While the start of the school will be different this year, the sense of excitement remains the same, and a feeling of anxiousness is understandable.

We began planning for the re-opening of schools at the close of least school year, although we did not receive guidance from the New York State Education Department until mid-July. Along with these guidelines, we have followed the health and safety guidelines from the Center for Disease Control and the Department of Health. Finally, at the beginning of August, the governor determined that schools in New York State can reopen with an appropriate plan submitted to NYSED and the DOH and by communicating this plan to our families, staff and the community. Our facilities are prepared to meet the social distancing requirements and our buildings are equipped with sanitizing stations throughout. We are ready for our students to return, prepared to support them academically, socially and emotionally and on course to continue to Be the Change as we move forward.

The health and safety of our students and staff is our first priority. Our plan for reopening has built upon our strong foundational philosophy of holistic education with its focus on the whole child approach. The social and emotional development and wellness of our children is key. We understand the stress and trauma our families have been through with the pandemic and we will continue to provide support to ensure our students feel safe and ready to learn no matter where their instructional location. Our caring, committed staff is set with synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities that will allow our students to fulfill their greatest potential.

In addition to ensuring we are meeting the DOH guidelines for the safe reopening of schools, the district has also been busy with capital projects necessary to maintain and improve our buildings. Last year, as we closed schools, we gave out Chromebooks to grades 2 through 4. This summer, we have given out over 2,100 Chromebooks. Our pre-k students are getting iPads. This means all our students will have the devices they need in order to complete assignments and work remotely.

As we move forward with the 2020-2021 school year, please remember M-S-W: Wear your masks, Social distance, and Wash your hands. We will be instructing and reviewing the appropriate protocols for this with our students and staff. If you have further questions or need more information, please visit our website at We have the Reopening Plan and a Family Guidance document. You should also reach out to your building administration with any questions you have.

Despite being a different start to the year, the District remains to be committed to bringing the best opportunities available. We look forward to your ongoing partnership during this year. We will have planned virtual events and Parent Universities to share information and keep you updated. We will continue to Be the Change and to transform the lives of our students and families. Together, we will make 2020-2021 a positive year filled with accomplishments.


Dr. Kishore Kuncham
Superintendent of Schools