Summer School Programs
Posted on 06/09/2020

E-Learning Highlights

Friday, June 12, 2020

Visit the K-4 Online Resource Center today to:

Listen to Mrs. Engel, District Director of ELA read , A Squiggly Story. We hope it will inspire you to write stories all Summer long!

Check out the Summer Learning Website where you can find digital bookrooms and everything you need to keep you learning through the Summer. The link is on the homepage of the resource site. The Rising K-7 Summer Program starts July 6th . Join us for video and live lessons from July 6th -30th. We have so many fun things planned.

Don't forget to keep a lookout for your Summer Learning bundle which will be mailed home this week. There are so many exciting learning resources in the bundle and a new book for Rising K-6th graders to help kick off summer reading.

Have a great Summer Everyone !

Summer School Programs

Click on this link to access the K-7 program.

Registration form for Middle School to High School Summer Algebra transition program.

Please see the attached flyers for our Summer K-7 program, Virtual Summer Arts Academy program, and the Dodd and FHS Summer Book Clubs.