Students Collaborate in Digital Storytelling
Posted on 06/11/2019

Life skills students from Freeport High School, Atkinson School and Dodd Middle School teamed up with students from the high school's advertising and media class to create fun and interactive stories through computer science.

They used Google CS First Storytelling for the collaborative project and worked together in a virtual pen pal setting. With that, they saw their stories transformed into animation pieces through coding achieved by high school students.

Once their work was complete, they came together for the first time during a celebratory party and showcased their videos. They also handed out thank-you cards to the high school students who helped bring their stories to life.

This is the first time the district implemented this program and hopes to continue in the future.

Digital Storytelling

Digital Storytelling 2

Digital Storytelling  3

Digital Storytelling 4

Digital Storytelling 5