FHS Students Celebrated for Their Achievements in Science
Posted on 05/24/2018

Students at FHS were recognized for their extraordinary accomplishments in science during the 14th annual Science Awards Ceremony.

The program began with a lecture by guest speaker Dr. J. Bret Bennington, a professor of geology and chairperson of the department of geology, environment and sustainability at Hofstra University, who spoke about monitoring and understanding the changing planet. Students were then recognized for their outstanding success in various science research competitions, including the Nassau College Science Fair, the Talking Science Seminar at Rockefeller University and the Long Island Science and Engineering Fair.

Following the awarding of certificates, 15 students were inducted to the prestigious New York State Science Honor Society in a candlelighting ceremony led by President Dehandra Blackwood and officers Saif Ali, Kenneth Alvarez and Leah Hochman. The new members are Fajir Ali, Kiara Chombo, Sheilly Duque, Noe Gonzalez, Alexis Jean-Pierre, Krystal Johnson, Ethan Lora, Rosa Medina, Brenda Mendez, Efetobore Omokeni, Jessica Pinzon-Gonzalez, Christian Puentes, Kevin Reyes, Hannah Robinson and Alexandria Yarbrough.

"These students have spent a considerable amount of time - in some cases as much as four years - not only completing research projects, but doing extensive research to be able to make an impact on our environment and our world," said Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Mary Anne DeVivio. "Something has to be said to that and I am very proud of each and every one of you."
