FHS Science Teacher Honored
Posted on 05/14/2018

FHS teacher Peggy Parigoris has been named the Nassau County Outstanding High School Science Teacher of 2018 by the Science Teachers Association of New York State. This is the third consecutive year that district educators have been recognized by the organization for their outstanding science instruction. Last year, Atkinson science facilitator Matthew Yatsyla was named the Nassau County Outstanding Intermediate Teacher of 2017, while Archer Street librarian Debbie Bergen and Atkinson teacher Thomas Doyle were named Outstanding Elementary Teacher and Outstanding Intermediate Teacher, respectively, the year prior.

Parigoris will be commemorated for this tremendous honor at the 21st annual Science Awards Dinner on May 22 at the Coral House in Baldwin. The district extends its congratulations to Parigoris and wishes her continued success in her career.


Science Teacher