Schools Roll Out Chromebook Initiative
Posted on 09/25/2017

As part of Phase 2 of the Smart Schools Bond Act and aligned with its commitment to equipping students and staff with additional 21st-century technological resources, the district started the new school year by hosting a Chromebook rollout at the high school. More than 2,300 Chromebooks were distributed to high school students. Teachers and administrators had received Chromebooks last year in Phase 1 to become adept at becoming Google educators.

The incorporation of Chromebooks in each classroom and use of the Google platform is designed to enhance the teaching and learning process and to expand and strengthen collaborative learning environments. Students and staff members have learned how to optimize their Chromebooks, navigate Google Classroom and integrate resources such as G Suite for Education.

"I'm pleased and excited about our technology initiative," said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham. "Freeport Public Schools offers our students excellent opportunities to learn and grow. The capabilities of 1:1 Chromebooks along with Google classroom and Khan Academy will be used to enhance academic instruction and learning. Staff and students have already embraced the amazing possibilities and opportunities the Chromebooks provide."

Additionally, the district was also awarded a grant from Sprint Foundation's 1Million Project to provide high-speed internet access for any high school student who may not have adequate internet access at home. This is a five-year grant worth more than $200,000 per year. This year, the first 300 students will receive internet access and a device. There will be another 300 students each subsequent year totaling 1,500 students in all.
"Some of the many benefits of the Chromebooks are that they save a lot of time and paper," said high school junior Jocelyn Mora. "You can log on anywhere and work on Google Docs. It's preparing us for college because everything is put online, all assignments can be accessed electronically and it's very conducive to conducting research."

In addition, Atkinson and Dodd have been equipped with carts of Chromebooks, iPads and laptops, and technology learning opportunities have expanded and have been put in place for all grade classrooms. This past summer, a 2-to-1 program of iPads for all kindergarten and first-grade classroom students was implemented, and all second-, third- and fourth-grade classrooms were equipped with a 2-to-1 model of Chromebooks.

Main Book

Chromebook Initiative 1

Chromebook Initiative 2

Chromebook Initiative 3