District Hosts Summer Google Institute
Posted on 08/15/2017

As a supplement to the wide variety of professional development opportunities throughout the district during the school year, staff members participated in a Summer Google Institute program in August. The three-day program, held at the high school, was comprised of a series of workshops that focused on ways for staff to optimize their Chromebooks, how to navigate and use Google Classroom, how to incorporate resources such as G Suite for Education with curricula, and several other topics regarding the Google platform.

Workshops included "Creating Collaborative Learning Environments," "Innovation for Using Creative Apps for Chromebook," "What's APPening," "Chromebooks and G Suite in the Classroom," and "Manage Your Class Workflow with Google Classroom," were conducted by Instructional Technology Coaches Daniel Kaufmann and Rick Lapi.

The Summer Google Institute was designed to engage staff members for the purposes of maximizing their Google resources, and provided them with useful training that they can continue developing as they prepare for the start of the new school year.

Summer Google Institute 1

Summer Google Institute 2

Summer Google Institute 3

Summer Google Institute 4