Free Online Summer Learning Opportunity!
Posted on 06/16/2016

The Freeport School District is pleased to announce that Education City, an online resource for math and ELA skills, is available for your child to use at home over the summer. Freeport students who are currently in grades K through grade 6 can use this site to improve their Math and ELA skills. Students' results will be saved and made available to their teachers next year. We urge you to take advantage of this great resource which can be accessed from any computer with an Internet connection. It can also be accessed on any Apple (iPad, iPhone, iPod) or Android device when a free app is downloaded. All students will receive a letter and login credentials at the end of school this year.

Please click here for instructions to access the program.

For additional support please email: Anthony Murray, Director of Math and Instructional Technology: [email protected]