100 Mile Freeport Peace Walk
Posted on 06/03/2016

As an extension of our efforts to promote peace, this year I am embarking on a 100 mile Freeport Peace Walk - Smile for Peace - Mile for Peace that will take place throughout all of Freeport over the next several weeks. The purpose is to foster peace, harmony, unity and a sense of community - locally and globally. I will be walking every street in Freeport Village commencing the morning of May 7th. Please join me for 100 miles, or for one mile, or even just for a smile on any day or days that are convenient for you.

As the trek through the Village progresses, information relating to the walk will be available on the Freeport Schools web site (www.freeportschools.org) so that everyone will know where I have walked and where and when I will be walking in the next few days. Look for me when I am walking in your neighborhood. Click below for the current itinerary, maps, dates and times.

Get on those comfortable sneakers and let's get up close and personal with our Village.

Dr. Kishore Kuncham

Superintendent of Schools

Smile For Peace