Freeport Celebrates American Pride, Remembers 9/11
Posted on 09/11/2015

Students, parents, teachers and administrators at New Visions came together on the 14th anniversary of the tragic Sept. 11 events to celebrate American pride, honor all of the nation's heroes, and remember the lives lost that day.

In a patriotic ceremony also attended by veteran members of the Freeport Fire Department, the school community gathered outside around the American flag, which was raised to half-mast. Following a schoolwide recital of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star Spangled Banner, Principal Renee Crump-Dedmon led a series of speeches about the importance of the day, and spoke about what it means to be a proud American and about the significance of red, white and blue.

"We are wearing red, white and blue to show that we are proud to be American and proud to live in a country where we are free to learn, to love and to live together," she said."We're wearing these colors to show that no matter the color of our skin, we're all the same inside, to affirm our hope in a better tomorrow when the world will be at peace, and we are wearing these colors in gratitude to our heroes."

Former Freeport Fire Department Chief Julius Ellison spoke about the courageous efforts of thousands of people, and how the effects of that fateful day continue to resonate. He encouraged all to never take for granted their freedom, and to never forget about the heroes who have provided a safe and protected nation for them to live in.

Following the observance of a moment of silence with bowed heads, the school community made its way back into the school to"I'm Proud to be an American" by Lee Greenwood, culminating a patriotic celebration of the nation and remembrance of the lives changed forever on Sept. 11, 2001.

Freeport Celebrates American Pride