A Columbus and Community Cleanup Effort
Posted on 09/21/2015

Staff members at Columbus worked with nonprofit organization Friends of Freeport on Sept. 19 to beautify the building's courtyard and playground area.

The purpose of the collaborative weekend project was to ensure that Columbus kindergartners and pre-kindergartners continue having a safe and clean playground, in addition to promoting the importance of preserving the environment. Staff and members of Friends of Freeport helped to enhance the appearance of the benches, slides and jungle gym the students use to aid their physical activities and playtime. They used brushes, shovels, rags, gloves and tools to preserve and perfect the playground.

The Columbus Avenue community is grateful for the amazing efforts of Bill and Martha Green, Sharon Gabler, Shari Wolf, Stan Solmonsohn, Joel Rossin, Mary Beth Francis, Rita Carter, Donna Cantwell, Kurt Corell, Linda Combs Stuerzel, Lois Howes, Eric Robinson, Cynthia Krieg, Lydia Robinson and Elaine Cassimatis - all of whom are members of Friends of Freeport - and its own staff members, including Principal Cleopatra Panagiosoulis, Tina Nelson, Janet Lalmansinghm, Miriam Muniz, Pat Quinton, Tina Halton, Danielle Roedig and head custodian Joe Hodges, who made sure that the playground entrance would be complete with a child-friendly slip-resistant entrance.

 Community Cleanup Effort