District First in Nassau to Offer Science Computing Program With Brookhaven National Laboratory
Posted on 10/21/2015

In collaboration with renowned Brookhaven National Laboratory, Freeport Schools have become Nassau County's first district to offer a science computing program to its high school and Dodd students. Upon successful completion of the program, which is being held at the high school each Wednesday through April, students will have the opportunity to enroll in a more advanced computer class at Brookhaven during the summer. Students will ultimately be eligible to work on science research projects with Brookhaven scientists upon successful completion of this advanced course.

The program will teach a wide array of topics, including data types, quadratic factorization, frequency analysis, 3-D data visualization and numerical integration. Using Cloud technology, accessible through the internet, students are able to access computers at Brookhaven Laboratory in both the classroom and at home.

On Oct. 7, Brookhaven Laboratory scientist Dr. David Biersach conducted the program's introductory lesson at the high school. Dr. Biersach demonstrated how to access the computers, spoke to students about the value of the program and the opportunities it offers, and encouraged them to work hard as they strive for its successful completion. "It is not what you know, but rather, what you can show," Dr. Biersach said.

Many of today's newly created jobs, including those that offer competitive compensation packages and a positive work/life balance, are those that involve science computing and programming. A commitment to computer science and coding in the K-12 setting will ultimately ensure long-term equity benefits. The science computing program will aid students who want to pursue a career in a related field, and also enhances the district's commitment to providing a competitive science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) curriculum assuring that students are college and career ready upon graduation.

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Brookhaven National Laboratory 2