Freeport Sophomores on Track for College Success
Posted on 07/30/2015

While many high school students are enjoying the summer by sleeping late and spending time with friends, sophomores at Freeport High School spent three weeks studying chemistry, mathematics and technology.

The students are participants in the New York State Pathways in Technology Early College High School program, a six-year program that allows students to earn a high school diploma and an associate degree in mechanical engineering at either a SUNY or CUNY school, at no cost to their families.

The P-TECH program, made possible through a New York State Education Department grant, focuses on preparing students for high-skills jobs of the future in technology, manufacturing, health care and finance.

"The average student doesn't have access to the technological advances that this program affords our students," Freeport technology teacher Lorrie Greene said."We have state-of-the-art technology that any student would need to become an engineer of any type. We also have teachers in our department that specialize in different areas of engineering, including manufacturing, mechanical, automotive and electrical."

Greene said the hands-on learning experience is essential to the success of the program.
"In engineering, it's not just the theory, it's the practical," she said."The hands-on experience connects what they have learned."

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