Giblyn Pays It Forward
Posted on 01/06/2015

In the true spirit of the holiday season, students at Giblyn"paid it forward" to benefit the Freeport community.

After local restaurant Imperial Diner donated an entire feast to the fourth grade, students were inspired to give back in their own way. The grade's presidents and vice presidents decided to collect funds to donate to Friends of Freeport to help community members still recovering from Superstorm Sandy. Giblyn students and staff then invited representatives from both Imperial Diner and Friends of Freeport to thank them personally and present them with gifts.

"The circle of paying it forward is complete today," Principal Amanda Muldowney said."Imperial Diner donated the feast, and now the students of Giblyn have donated money to Friends of Freeport. We hope the circle of paying it forward will keep turning."

Giblyn Pays It Forward