Archer Career Day Focuses on the Future
Posted on 03/19/2014

Students at Archer Street School learned about different career opportunities from the professionals who do them during the school's annual Career Day. Visitors spent time in classrooms answering questions as they explained what they do and how their education helped them achieve their career goals. "We are proud to have you here to enrich the career goals of our students," said Principal Paula Lein.

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham, Board of Education President Debra Mulé, Nassau County Legislator David Denenberg, Hempstead Town Councilwoman Dorothy L. Goosby, and Nassau County official Raymond Thomas, representing Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano, were on hand to offer support for the program.

Job-specific equipment of all shapes and sizes helped the guest speakers share their careers. Vocations included animal shelter humanitarian, ballroom dancer, clothing designer, coffee manufacturer, courtroom judge, court stenographer, dentist, financial news reporter, pediatrician, personal trainer, police officer and detective, and power plant assistant superintendent.

Archer Career Day 1

Archer Career Day 2

Archer Career Day 3

Archer Career Day 4

Archer Career Day 5

Archer Career Day 6

Archer Career Day 7

Archer Career Day 8