Students Speak Out About Bullying
Posted on 06/10/2014

Members of Freeport High School's Students Against Destructive Decisions (S.A.D.D.) organization visited with third-grade students at Archer Street School to share important lessons about the dangers of bullying. The group's leaders, Freeport High School social worker Alicia Brenneis and Freeport High School social worker intern Saree Wiener collaborated with Archer Street School social worker Elizabeth Biscotti to develop a program that would connect the older students with the younger students.

The FHS students began by introducing themselves and explaining what bullying is, the different types of bullying, and how to handle bullying. After some discussion, the students broke into groups, with each high school student assuming the role of group leader. Each group collaborated to develop short skits depicting a bully, witness, teacher, principal and victim. The groups then shared their skits with each other. As an exercise in developing positive self-esteem, the students also created stars and wrote five unique and different things about themselves. The younger students were excited to have students from the high school visit with them and were eager to learn the valuable lessons they shared about the dangers of bullying.

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