Students Honor Local Precinct with Adopt-A-Cop Assembly
Posted on 11/21/2013

Students at Archer Street Elementary School welcomed officers from the Freeport Police Department to a special assembly built around the district's Adopt-A-Cop program. "They help, they protect us, they are our friends," said Principal Paula Lein of the officers in her introductory remarks.

During the assembly, student representatives - one from each fourth-grade classroom - read essays of appreciation for the visiting police regiment. "The idea of the program is that you can get to know us as regular people and we can get to know you," explained Officer Steven Rampanelli, the coordinator of this PBA program. Archer students promised to write letters to the officers during the rest of the school year. After the assembly, the officers made scheduled visits to classrooms to further their bonding with the students.

Nearly 40 officers participate in this program, which reaches out to the students of all four elementary schools - Bayview Avenue, Archer Street, Leo F. Giblyn and New Visions - to foster an ongoing cooperative relationship between students and local law enforcement that will endure as the students continue their education.

Much to the delight of everyone in attendance, Rampanelli announced that the annual end-of-year picnic for police and students is in the planning stage.





