Learning Comes Alive
Posted on 03/11/2013

The second grade dual language classes at Giblyn are making their social studies curriculum come to life through experiences within their classrooms, and the collaboration of their teachers Ms. Frohman, Ms. Sasso, Mrs. Rugolo, and Mrs. Mason.

"Learning about rural, suburban and urban communities is a difficult concept for students of this age, especially when learning about it in two languages," stated Ms. Frohman. "Since we aren't able to bring the students to visit these types of communities, we are bringing the communities to them in the classroom."

Thematic lessons have focused on various literature and genres, including "City Mouse and Country Mouse," Reader's Theatre, "Roxaboxen," and others. Students have narrated books, written dialogue for original plays, taken "walking tours" of rural Pennsylvania, New York City and their hometown of Freeport through virtual websites, researched landmarks of New York City to create PowerPoint presentations, debated why farms are important and integral to today's society, prepared healthy meals from farm-grown foods, written persuasive essays about the communities, explored geometry, created 3-D models and video presentations, and much more - all in English and/or Spanish.

"Seeing how immersed the students are in the language and thematic unit is beyond impressive," says Amanda Muldowney, principal. "You would never know the native language of a student when you walk into the classrooms."