Archer Hosts State Assessments Workshop
Posted on 03/22/2012

Archer Street School hosted a parent/teacher workshop on Thursday, March 15, that focused on the upcoming New York State assessment exams in English Language Arts and Mathematics. The presentation, delivered in both English and Spanish, introduced the testing format and offered strategies and techniques needed by the students to succeed. Reading specialist Merily Masin, math specialist Linda Marino, and dual language teacher Sylvia Moreira conducted the workshop.

Attended by over 100 parents and family members, the workshop pointed parents to useful websites and suggested various ways to support the students at home. After the presentation, parents had the opportunity to sit with the classroom teachers, who shared the results of recent classroom benchmark exams. They discussed ways in which each parent could work with his/her child to improve reading and math skills.

The workshop's objective was for parents to leave with a clearer understanding of what the exams are all about. Many parents pledged support for their children and openly expressed their gratitude for this informative session. The special evening furthered the partnership between home and school with the number one goal of student achievement in mind.

Assessments Workshop

Assessments Workshop 2

Assessments Workshop 3