Caroline G. Atkinson Intermediate School Commemorates 10th Anniversary of September 11
Posted on 09/15/2011

The Caroline G. Atkinson Intermediate School commemorated the 10th anniversary of September 11, 2001 with a special ceremony held outdoors on the school grounds. On a clear and quiet morning reminiscent of 9/11/01, the school body gathered outside at just about the time of day the tragic events occurred.

A portion of the field was outlined as a peace sign, where students each placed a small American flag into the marked ground and then stood near their flag to form one unifying symbol of peace. "It was designed to symbolize peace and unity in our country through diversity," acknowledged Principal Linda Carter.

The school honored Joe Falco, a New York City firefighter and community resident who miraculously survived the attacks of 9/11. His wife Janice also accompanied him. Mr. Falco was honored with a verbal and printed testimony detailing his heroism on 9/11. He was also presented with a certificate of honor and a framed original work of art created by the school. John Meyveci, a sixth grader in Mr. Malloy/Ms. Tiedermann's class, made the presentation of the artwork.