2011-2012 Budget Information - Updated 4/26/11
Posted on 05/17/2011

The 2011-12 school budget has passed with 1432 yes votes and 839 no votes. The proposition for authorization to expend $1.5 million from capital reserves has passed, as well. Thank you to everyone who voted. In the Board election, Ronald Ellerbe and Vilma Lancaster have each won a three-year term.
Budget Vote Tally Results (PDF)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011 • 6 AM - 9 PM
Budget Newsletter (PDF)

Absentee Ballot (PDF)

Voter Information (PDF)

Notice of Annual Meeting (PDF)

Voting Locations

School budgeting for 2011 - 2012 school year is very challenging this year. Under the Governor's proposal, the District will lose over $5 million in State Aid. For additional information about the budget, click on the link below. All members of the Community are encouraged to attend the Board of Education Budget workshops on March 2, March 9, March 23 and April 6.

Budget Presentation (PDF)

Please be advised that the New York State Education Department is conducting a Special Education Quality Assurance (SEQA) Focused Review. This Review Process, which has been in effect since 2001 is part of the regular "audit cycle" from the New York State Education Department. The purpose of this review is to determine if the district's policies, practices and procedures provide programs and services that are reasonably calculated to result in education benefit to students with disabilities. The review protocol applies specific compliance areas to assess how the district manages the annual review process for students with disabilities.

This review focuses on compliance in the areas of the Committee on Special Education (CSE) recommendations, Individualized Education Plan (IEP) development, access to and participation and progress in the general education curriculum, instruction in literacy, behavioral supports, and parental involvement. The process will also involve a review of school records of selected students with disabilities, classroom visitations, and interviews. In addition, meetings of the CSE will be observed.

Budget Information