Columbus Ave. Pre-K/K School Records Peace Concert Segment
Posted on 08/24/2011

Columbus Avenue kindergartners from Mrs. Filipowski's and Mrs. Hayne's classes practiced their Peace Concert song until perfect under the direction of music teacher Stephanie Arnell. On the night of the concert, to be presented at Freeport High School on October 4, starting at 7 pm, these students will showcase their musical talents on pre-recorded video rather than live. They are performing a short song punctuated by a display of peace signs wearing T-shirts and standing in front of a mural all created under the direction of the art teacher, Susan Warren. The video was a collaboration between the music and art department.

The Peace Concert is a districtwide peace-themed revue that will also feature a peace-themed art exhibit. The Columbus Avenue students pre-recorded their segment so they do not have to perform past their bedtime on a school night.

Records Peace Concert Segment

Records Peace Concert Segment 2