Students Create LEGO Robotics Carnival Rides
Posted on 05/21/2024
Students Create LEGO Robotics Carnival Rides
Two classes from Archer Street and Caroline G. Atkinson schools were chosen by instructional technology coaches Mike DeGennaro and Nick Spiegler to participate in a project funded by a grant from the Freeport Education Foundation.  

Each class was provided with six LEGO Spike kits purchased through the grant. The coaches and classes met weekly for the past several months, preparing students to design, build and code LEGO Robotics designs. The theme for this challenge was the LEGO Carnival.  

During the culminating event, the classes from both schools were combined into 11 teams. The teams were challenged to plan, build and code a functioning carnival ride. Once the teams completed their designs, they were judged on their design, coding, functionality and collaboration. It was a unique and exciting opportunity for the students to expand their knowledge, build upon their coding and design skills and to work collaboratively with other students. 

"We have introduced the LEGO Robotics curriculum to classrooms before, but there was something about this experience that felt different,” Spiegler said. “Students were captivated by the ability to work with their friends to design, build and code projects that helped solve real-world problems or engage the audience by building a carnival ride. It was amazing to watch students who didn't know each other on the day of the culminating event come together to plan and execute an amazing LEGO design. We believe this LEGO experience, in its inaugural year, was just the tip of the iceberg. Watch out Six Flags, you have some future ride engineers coming out of Freeport Schools!"