Freeport High School Graduation Rate – Newsday Data
Posted on 06/15/2011

On Wednesday, June 15th Newsday published graduation rate data for the Freeport School District. Figures published included a graduation rate of 71% for the class of 2010 and 61% for the class of 2009. Those percentages include students in out of district placements. Further, both percentages are calculated upon the number of students who graduated in June. Please note that the graduation rate that we have been reporting to you has been the graduation rate for students attending Freeport High School which is 73% for the class of June 2010. However, the state's definition of a four year graduation rate is the number of students who graduate with a local or Regents diploma by August 31st of their fourth year in high school. To clarify, the four year graduation rate for Freeport High School students who graduated by August 31st of their fourth year in high school is 78% for the class of 2010. These percentages do not include students attending school in out of district placements.