Freeport Students Stay Focused on ‘Breaking the Cycle’
Posted on 10/13/2011

"The tongue is one of the smallest muscles in the body, but it can do the most damage." These were the words of advice dispensed by guest speaker Hashim Garrett at J. W. Dodd Middle School in a special assembly devoted to 'Breaking the Cycle' of violence and hurting through forgiveness and the making of wise choices. Mr. Garrett, himself a victim of street violence at a young age, spoke firsthand about his experiences and what he has learned from them. There was also a Q&A period in which Dodd students had the opportunity to ask Mr. Garrett some very tough questions about his life story, his setbacks and recovery, and his outlook on life. "Choose your friends wisely. Sometimes our parents see things in your friends that you don't see. Listen to your parents," he cautioned as he reflected on his own turbulent adolescence.

The students nodded knowingly as Mr. Garrett, who is partially paralyzed as the result of a shooting over 10 years ago, spoke of his teenage years in Brooklyn and how, at the age of 15, his life was forever changed by an act of violence. He has now devoted his life to public speaking and counseling, and to helping students understand that they have the power to 'Break the Cycle.' The social studies and English classes that heard the presentation are scheduled to participate in follow-up exercises. The social studies students will write letters of gratitude to Mr. Garrett and the other visitors. The English classes plan to compose essays based on their reading of the book "Why Forgive," authored by Johann Christoph Arnold. The book opens with a forward by New York Police Department Detective Steven McDonald, an NYPD plainclothes officer injured in the line of duty 25 years ago, and includes a chapter that tells the story of Hashim Garrett.

The assembly was followed by Mr. Garrett visiting the Dodd Middle School Peace Garden. Mr. Garrett was presented with a certificate in recognition of his dedication and commitment to promoting peace and non-violence. The program was attended by Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham, Board of Education Vice President Debra Mulé, Board of Education trustee Vilma Lancaster, and Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Wafa Westervelt, among other administrators and staff. It was planned by J. W. Dodd Middle School Principal John O'Mard, social studies teacher Danielle Ballard, English teacher Michael Filaski, and social worker Felice Niland. This special assembly was sponsored by Ian and Janet Winter and The Bruderhof Community as part of their outreach program designed to help students better understand non-violent ways to resolve conflicts.

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