Explanation of Freeport School District Tax Bills for 2011-12
Posted on 10/23/2011

Freeport residents have recently begun receiving their tax bills for the 2011-12 school year. In some cases, the annual increases may be more than was expected. As we have explained several times in the last few years and in the recent months, the Freeport School District is responsible for determining the amount of the tax levy, and not the tax rate. The tax levy is the portion of the school budget that comes in the form of school taxes. For the 2011-12 school year, the tax levy increased by 3.88%. The school District is responsible only for 3.88% of the increase in your tax bill. Other factors that affect the tax bill over which the District has no control are:

  • Changes in the market values and assessed values of real property. A decrease in the assessed value of real property would be offset by an increase in the tax rate to make up for this loss in value;
  • Shift in the Base Proportions, under which the percentage of the tax levy burden on our home owners has increased while the percentage paid by commercial properties has decreased.
  • State cap on the STAR subsidy of 2%, for both the Basic and Enhanced STAR.

Changes in the above factors affect the individual tax bills received by the residents. If you have any questions about your taxes, please contact Dr. Kenneth W. Rodgers, Assistant Superintendent for Business at 516-867-5212.