Freeport Board Approves High School Principal’s Request to Stay
Posted on 11/03/2011

On Tuesday, October 25th, the Freeport School District Board of Education accepted the resignation for the purpose of retirement of Freeport High School Principal Ernest Kight effective January 2012.

After carefully re-evaluating his decision, Mr. Kight requested that Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham recommend to the Board of Education that they rescind its resolution and allow him to remain as principal of Freeport High School through the end of the school year in June, 2012. "After talking with many students, parents, community residents and most especially my wife, I have reconsidered my decision and would like to stay if possible through June," stated Mr. Kight. "I am grateful to Dr. Kuncham for his support in this regard."

Dr. Kuncham enthusiastically supported Mr. Kight's request and on Wednesday, November 2nd made his recommendation to the Board. "I am very delighted that Mr. Kight wants to stay until the end of the school year, and I whole heartedly recommend that the Board accept the change of resignation date," stated Dr. Kuncham. The Board unanimously voted in favor of the retirement extension. Board of Education Vice President Debra Mulé, who presided over the meeting, read a statement from Board President Debra A. McQuillan who was unable to attend. "Even though I cannot be there, I want you to know that I fully support this request and would be casting my vote in favor if I was able to be there this evening. My best wishes to Mr. Kight."