What is Art?
Posted on 03/19/2012

On Michelangelo's 537th birthday fourth grade students from New Visions Museum School participated in their first interview for the Newsday Juice Box program and were asked their impressions of art and famous artists. From daVinci, to Picasso and Van Gogh, students were quite specific about the styles and techniques that are their favorites. Clearly students at New Visions have had experience studying and creating art.

They had much to say about color and mood, shape and sculpture. New Visions is one of only six schools on Long Island participating in the Newsday Juice Bo program. As part of this program, students will be interviewed every six weeks from March until the end of the school year. The next Juice Box interview will be held on April 24th. To watch the video of this interview go to http://long-island.newsday.com/kids and click on, Juice Box: LI kids talk about art.

Juice box