Students Use iPads to Enhance Math and Science Studies
Posted on 03/29/2012

Seventh-grade students at John W. Dodd Middle School are using iPads specifically programmed with learning apps to improve their understanding of concepts in mathematics and science. The District received the iPads for this project through a grant in collaboration with Nassau BOCES. Dodd school librarian Christine Meloni served as the liaison to Nassau BOCES and helped coordinate this grant-funded project that focuses on increasing math scores through the integration of math and science. "Computer programs can be a motivating factor for learning," said Ms. Meloni.

Science students are making use of streaming video and a variety of interactive applications to explore concepts such as Newton's First Law, gravity, and motion forces. These programs require students to complete quizzes based on the lesson delivered. iPads are particularly helpful in learning physics because the devices can detect motion to simulate active and reactive forces.

Math students use the iPads as well as laptops and traditional desktop computers to build a deeper understanding and confidence when solving algebraic equations. Students are required to answer questions after completing each lesson, and the results are tracked to better enable teachers to chart students' overall strengths and weaknesses.

The teachers who are a part of this project are Maureen Bonanno, Allison Marty, Rosalie Woska, and Vanessa Vidalon.

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