Demonstrating the Power of Research
Posted on 04/08/2012

The research on display at the Freeport High School eighth annual Science and Engineering Fair seemed more in line with what you'd expect to find at an Ivy League science hall than in a high school gym. The more than 70 individual research projects spanning 15 categories were clearly the result of intense work by the high school students, who spoke at length about their research and findings on topics ranging from astronomy to zoology when quizzed by the judges. "We hope the experience in the fair encourages them to pursue careers in science, engineering and mathematics," stated District Science Coordinator Dr. Vincent Pereira.

Elizabeth Mulé won first prize with her research project "Is Cholecalciferol Capable of Lowering Physiological Levels of Mercury?" She will be spending the summer at Brookhaven National Laboratory continuing her research. Second prize went to the team of Wilsa Albert and Lauren Workman for their project "The Kinetic Study of Copper-Aluminum Single Replacement Reaction." Anooshqa Bazmi's project, entitled "The Effect of Mercury Absorption on Plant Growth and Development," garnered third place. Over $5,000 in cash and gift certificates was raised through sponsorship and will be apportioned amongst the extended list of prize winners.

Table after table lined with tri-fold posters laden with advanced scientific information, charts and analytic graphs revealed the depth of the students' work. The panel of nearly 65 judges assigned to evaluate these projects came from within the ranks of the school district, local accredited colleges and universities, science-related industries and the Village of Freeport.

The fair brings research skills into practical use and challenges students to resolve questions quickly, accurately and efficiently. The presentation of their work to the public teaches them the importance of communication in science.


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