Art Expo Connects Local Artists and Students
Posted on 04/08/2012

The Freeport High School Art Department welcomed an array of local artisans who displayed their talents and shared their experiences with students at the second annual Art Expo. "Art is not only meant to hang on walls. It is meant to come alive, be a living force, and represent people's hearts and souls. The positive response to this expo proves a serious commitment to this academic program that offers pure enjoyment and viable career opportunities," said Art Expo Coordinator Cathy Rode. Ms. Rode emceed the event, which included scheduled demonstrations and art raffles.

The exhibit area was energized with a collage of vividly colored and finely detailed display stations. The air was filled with the energetic mingling of painters, sculptors, designers, potters, jewelers, photographers and craftspeople with students. Many spoke of their inspiration to choose the arts over other professions. This sea of artistry occupied nearly every inch of usable space in the small gym and included an area for recent student artwork that the professionals could critique.

Many of the artisans who volunteered to attend brought along their working tools so that they could demonstrate their craft. Quite a few of the visiting artists were also noted in the exhibit brochure as being Freeport High School graduates.

Local Artists and Students

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