Freeport-to-Freeport Partnership Boosts Recovery Efforts
Posted on 02/05/2013

Freeport Schools gratefully welcomed a team of student-volunteers from Freeport, Maine who made the six-hour drive to New York to donate school supplies and gift cards to help heal the wounds caused by Superstorm Sandy. Their itinerary included stops at Freeport High School and Giblyn Elementary School. "We were glued to the TV during the storm, just feeling so badly for everyone down here," said Service Learning Aspirations coordinator Dede Bennell regarding her group from Freeport High School in Maine. "Kindred spirit inspired us to do this Freeport-to-Freeport project."

Bennell, guidance counselor Dana Clark, chaperone John Egan and six students started their visit with a small breakfast at Freeport High School attended by Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham, Freeport High School Principal Linda Carter, Board of Education President Debra Mulé and Vice President Vilma Lancaster, and a group of students led by valedictorian Elizabeth Mule and salutatorian Bianca Molina. "This is a wonderful connection for the students of both Freeports," said Carter, adding, "The hope is to nurture this cooperative relationship into a mutually beneficial and lasting relationship."

Before taking a student-led tour of the school building, the coterie from Maine was presented with Lady Devil tee shirts, wrestling team caps and other branded goodies as tokens of gratitude.

The group later visited Giblyn School, where school board trustees Anthony Miller and Michael Pomerico joined them. "Giblyn School students were excited to meet and perform for our visitors from Freeport, Maine," said Giblyn Principal Amanda Muldowney. "They wanted to do something special to show their appreciation." Muldowney emceed a one-hour program that included fourth-graders singing Teresa Jennings' "Share Your Goodwill," the reading of original essays detailing personal storm travails, the giving of thank-you cards signed by everyone in the school, and the presentation of a poster emphasizing the desire to continue to forge the Freeport-to-Freeport relationship.

"We thank you for this kindness and your wonderful thoughts," stated Dr. Kuncham. "We want to continue this partnership."
