A Memorable Spring Festival of the Arts
Posted on 05/08/2012

Caroline G. Atkinson Intermediate School held its annual Spring Festival of the Arts at the high school with a program that was wide in scope and steeped in meaning. "The Freeport community has supported our students in the arts for many, many years, and this is the fruit of that support," said District Coordinator of the Arts Anne-Marie Hudley-Simmons during her turn as emcee.

This concert marked a milestone for beloved music teacher Eleana Koondel, who is retiring at the end of this school year after more than four decades of service. Her considerable contributions to Freeport Schools were acknowledged with ringing words of praise from administrators, fellow teachers and students. The enthusiastic student performances under her direction at this concert were testimony to her most recent efforts.

Seven groups of students performed nearly twenty different musical selections ranging in style from traditional mariachi to chorus, orchestra and band numbers during the ninety-minute program.

Spring Festival

Spring Festival 2

Spring Festival 3

Spring Festival 4

Spring Festival 5

Spring Festival 6