Fourth Grade Goes Back in Time – Colonial Times!
Posted on 04/01/2013

To bring their classroom lessons to life, fourth graders at Leo F. Giblyn School went back in time to experience what life was like during the colonial period. The students created textiles (cloth) using a replica colonial era loom, turned flax into linen, and prepared wool for use as textiles. They also experienced what it was like to craft wooden tops at a carpentry station by sanding and sawing. The students went "into the kitchen" where they turned wheat berry into flour, grated nutmeg into cinnamon, made cream into butter scratch, and even baked Dutch apple pancakes.

"The children were amazed at how items were produced and what life was like over 200 years ago!" noted Mrs. Wandzilak, fourth grade teacher. "The in-school field trip really allowed them to better understand and comprehend that times weren't like they are today. I think they have a new appreciation for what they have today."

Leading up to the field trip, students read and analyzed various forms of non-fiction texts to gain a better understanding of colonial life and jobs. They participated in many projects including writing "Help Wanted" advertisements and persuasive letters to perspective employers. Some classes even produced commercials. In addition to focusing on social studies and English language arts, students made colonial times connections in math and science with lessons dealing with measurement, physical property changes and simple machines.