Superintendent's Message
Posted on 08/27/2012

Dear parents,

Welcome to the start of another school year. The 2011-2012 school year was a productive one indeed. The Class of 2012 earned many significant recognitions and numerous scholarships to prestigious colleges and universities throughout the country and had the highest graduation rate in many years.

We also had our first semifinalists in the prestigious Siemens Math, Science and Technology national competition. We implemented a new computerized data system that includes a parent portal through which parents can access their child's school records online. Taxpayers approved our bond issue under the Qualified School Construction Bond program, thus making possible many needed improvements while saving the district approximately $1 million in interest costs. Taxpayers also approved an expenditure from our Capital Reserve Fund for the construction of our new synthetic turf field with lighting. Our academic achievements and the success of our athletic program and music and fine arts programs have been sources of pride for our school district and community.

The 2012-2013 school year promises to bring opportunities for greater achievements as well as challenges we must conquer together. The impact of operating under the new tax levy cap law will continue to be a major challenge that we must face as we plan for the future. We will fully implement the Common Core Learning Standards and the new APPR program for evaluating professional staff. We will open our new artificial turf field and will continue our traditional focus on peace in our world with concerts and assemblies, culminating with our annual Peace March in May.

We are well aware that the self-discipline and work ethic necessary for student success begins with what is taught at home. The research is clear; children benefit when parents and the schools work closely together. Be in touch with your child's teachers and the support staff in your child's school. With your crucial support, I know that we can look forward to a successful year for your child in all of the programs that we offer. I encourage you to communicate with administration and staff and to become involved in the PTA.

I hope that your summer was enjoyable and that you are now ready to begin the new school year with renewed enthusiasm. I look forward to working with you and seeing you at our many student events throughout the year ahead.


Dr. Kishore Kuncham
Superintendent of Schools