District Hosts Free Youth Heart Screening
Posted on 10/04/2012

The Board of Education and administration are aware that early detection of risk factors and conditions associated with sudden cardiac arrest in young people can play a critical role in saving lives.

The district hosted a free youth heart-screening program at Freeport High School on Sept. 29. Conducted by Heart Screen New York, it was available for all students aged 12 and older. Between 75 and 100 volunteer pediatric cardiologists and medical support staff individually screened more than 200 preregistered children and several walk-ins for early detection of cardiac risk factors. Simple, noninvasive testing procedures were performed, which took approximately 35 minutes per child, including an ECG (electrocardiogram) and an echocardiogram (an ultrasound test) of the heart. The volunteers also demonstrated a variety of emergency resuscitation techniques including the proper use of an automated external defibrillator (or AED).

"This is a wonderful program that raises awareness to insure the better health of our students," said School Board President Debra Mulé.

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