Freeport Elementary Students Celebrate Advancement
Posted on 06/22/2013

Freeport's elementary school students celebrated their ascension to the next level in their academic careers with graduation ceremonies held on the same day in each of the four elementary buildings. On the horizon for all of these graduates is the start of fifth grade at Caroline G. Atkinson Intermediate School in the fall.

Bayview Avenue School was the first to start its processional, with the children entering the auditorium to the strains of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy." In attendance were Freeport Executive Director for Operations Michael Singleton and Board of Education President Debra Mulé. The celebration featured a keynote address by high school valedictorian and Bayview Avenue graduate Elizabeth Mulé. The ceremony also featured musical presentations, a slideshow of photo memories and a tribute to the fourth-grade teachers. "This morning we have come to celebrate these students' great accomplishments, their achievements, their character, and all of the goals that they have set and attained over these past four or five years," said Principal Odette Wills.

The Leo F. Giblyn Elementary School moving-up ceremony started a few minutes later and also featured group choral presentations and special awards for students who had distinguished themselves. "These are the future leaders of Freeport," said Principal Amanda Muldowney. "We're really proud of who we are sending up to Atkinson." Board of Education trustee Michael Pomerico and Executive Director for Business James Robinson were on hand to help congratulate the students and applaud their accomplishments.

All elementary graduates throughout the district were called by name to receive their testimonial certificates, giving parents and friends an opportunity to snap a photo or two of the graduates with their fourth-grade teachers and principals.








