Celebrating Success and Looking to the Future
Posted on 06/24/2013

A beautiful day and a bright sunny sky provided the perfect outdoor setting for the Caroline G. Atkinson Intermediate School sixth-grade moving-up. As the students gathered together one last time, they were joined by Board of Education President Debra Mulé, Board Vice President Vilma Lancaster, Board trustees Anthony Miller and Michael Pomerico, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham and several members of central administration.

Following the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of the national anthem, Caroline G. Atkinson Intermediate School Principal Consuelo Velez welcomed those in attendance and offered words of wisdom and advice to the students. "Never forget that you have been given the tools you need to be successful. Your generation is our future. With great power comes great responsibility," she stated. "Be humble, responsible and help others by being a role model. Dream big and - while success may not always come easily - remember nothing is impossible."

Ms. Mulé congratulated the graduates on behalf of the Board of Education and advised them, "Make good choices. You will have hundreds of choices throughout your life, and the choices you make will help you succeed and move on to your high school graduation."

"You are amazing and have been an inspiration to us all," stated Dr. Kuncham in his address to the students. "The next few years will be very important because there is still so much to learn. Be passionate learners, letting curiosity be the focal point of your learning. Never hesitate to ask for help, because we are always here for you."

To add to the festivities, the sixth-grade chorus, under the direction of Dr. Tolanda Thomas, and the Atkinson Mariachi Band, under the direction of Justin Friedman, performed several songs to the delight of the audience.

Following the presentation of several special recognition awards, the members of the Class of 2013 were announced by name and invited to step up to receive their moving-up certificates. As the ceremony came to an end, the newest graduates sang the Atkinson School Song one last time and were then surrounded by proud family members and friends, who joined them in celebrating their success and looking forward to a bright future at John W. Dodd Middle School.





