The Wonderful World of Reading
Posted on 11/17/2013

Parents as Reading Partners
"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island," once stated Walt Disney. With this belief in mind, Parents as Reading Partners (P.A.R.P.) kicked-off their popular reading program with a special assembly including visits from popular Disney characters including Winnie the Pooh, Tiger and Mickey and Minnie Mouse.

This year's theme is "The Wonderful World of Reading" and is sponsored by the PTA to help reinforce with students the link between reading at home and school. Every night, students were asked to enter into their log that they have read with a partner and return it to school to help their class win prizes.

"Reading for fun is a crucial component to a child's education," says Amanda Muldowney, principal. "PARP connects students, parents and teachers."

P.A.R.P. runs for two weeks and has special events, including Pajama Night when the students return to school in their pajamas and listen to fun nighttime stories read to them by various teachers; Bingo Night, where students play a version of the popular game based on children's books; and Guest Readers who go to classrooms to surprise the class with reading a very special book.




