Two Odyssey of the Mind Teams Advance to State Competition
Posted on 03/08/2014

The Caroline G. Atkinson Intermediate School's fifth- and sixth-grade Odyssey of the Mind teams both placed first at the regional competition and will now represent the district at the state competition at Binghamton State University in April. Teams are judged in part on their ability to think creatively and present their ideas in performance.

The teams, comprised of seven students each, earned the highest scores possible thanks to their higher level thinking skills and theatrical talents. The students, coached by Carrie Frederick and Christina Schwarz, have worked together since October honing their abilities to quickly create the original scripts, scenery and costumes they were judged on during competition with other schools in the region.

The Odyssey of the Mind program was designed to challenge student teams to apply their combined creative and performance skills to meet challenges in a meaningful and enjoyable way.